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Home TechShot A Guide of How To Set Up Dual Monitors at Home or Work

A Guide of How To Set Up Dual Monitors at Home or Work

We get a lot of different questions on the day to day, whether they're via Social Media, our Tech Support or our Inbound Sales teams, and often, it's easier to show someone how to fix a problem than trying to explain it verbally. If there's an issue on a system, our helpful staff can often connect virtually to a machine and show the fix step by step. But If it's a hardware/setup issue, that's obviously not an option. 

In the videos below, we try to answer a common question we get with another How To video: How to set up dual monitors. This video is really aimed at an office or home user looking to get a double screen system without a heavy load on your Graphics Card such as Gaming or Photo editing.

All you need is a quick few minutes to get your hands dirty inside the case, a cross head screwdriver and a low end graphics card such as one of the NVIDIA GeForce 710 Graphics Cards, which currently retail for under £50.

We've put together some fairly straight forward videos below on how to get a dual monitor setup going, first by looking at the install process for your new discrete graphics card, then by taking a look at what to do next, by setting up the monitors in Windows 10.

You can see our popular dual monitor stand with the desktop base here or our whole range of dual monitor stands here.

Posted in TechShot

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Published on 31 Mar 2020

Last updated on 17 Jan 2023

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